A journal of healing

Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule


I am wishing everyone a bright a cheerful holiday season. So far, this has been one of the bleakest I remember. And I am not speaking just about me. The weather has been horrible. Usually we slide into the heavy snows and treacherous roads in January and February. We have already had school snow days. But I think it is more a residual feeling people have after the election. People are just miserable.

I know I am not feeling the holiday spirit. By now, the house would be decorated and the tree would be jam packed with ornaments. This year, the tree is up but I have not put the ornaments on and I am not sure I am.

This pre-holiday week has offered dinners and parties for us to attend. The feeling is more that it is an imposition than something people are looking forward to. My dinner for my team and human resources got downsized to a luncheon during work this Monday. It changes the feeling completely as we will not be able to have a leisurely meal or for those who do, cocktails.  No one seems to care.

The other day, my office became a refuge for people to come and speak of their worries and troubles. One friend  came into my office and sat down with a heavy sigh. She is one of the most positive people I know. Even she said she felt like she was wearing a heavy shroud of worry and negativity. I explained to her that we all need to go to the dark side once in a while. It is part of the energy swing we all do. We talked for a while and I could feel her energy.  I realized that I too had been wearing the same coat and so have others.

Its all going to be ok. But I think we are going to be experiencing a period of darkness for a while. Without being political, I believe it is residual energy from the election. I think it is similar to the period just before World War II. I hope we do not have the same outcome of a war. I know this is not just in my little corner of the world.

I truly believe that the earth has a population of light workers who are here to get us through this. I also think we will come out of it a better world. For now, I wish everyone a blessed holiday, however you celebrate it. Take time to recharge and refill your oil so you can shine brightly again in the New Year.


Comments on: "Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule" (3)

  1. Hey Jane 🙂

    The world is changing and uncertainty strikes at the very heart of us all. These dark times manufactured and contrived by the vile shadowy creatures who slip, slide, sneak and crawl, who seek dominion over us all, they will end when hearts strong in truth and assured in their righteousness find it within themselves to rally, rise and challenge the established way, and ultimately deliver the people of the world – the worthy and the humble – to a new Earth, a new Eden, an equitable, classless, fair, and just world full with compassion and Love. I do not doubt for one moment the people of the world will be left to fight the one good fight all alone, not when they are supported by a benign and Loving universe. Watch the skies and believe we are not alone. Help is here and truth will always prevail.

    Wishing you a very merry Christmas and an expansive, prosperous, and joyous New Year 2017. Have a wonderful day 🙂


    DN – 24/12/2016


  2. Thank you. Your faith and belief is inspiring and I too believe we are in a negative energy vortex that is sucking the life (LIGHT) out of us. I have fallen victim to this terrible force and your words will help me to refocus. Thank you for that gift.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Jane 🙂 You are most welcome. We the free people of the world (and I use the term ‘free’ quite loosely) must stand together and support each other through thick and thin. We will prevail and the truth with roust the fallen from their unwitting slumber and deceitful machinations. Hold fast dear Jane…your faith will be much needed as we innovate and drive this world towards betterment for all 🙂


    DN – 26/12/2016


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